keep within limits

美 [kiːp wɪˈðɪn ˈlɪmɪts]英 [kiːp wɪˈðɪn ˈlɪmɪts]
  • 网络限制
keep within limitskeep within limits
  1. Only can fundamentally keep within limits of the Financial Computer Crimes .


  2. On the Completion of Legal Supervision System as a Basic Method to Keep Within Limits the Corruption of Authority Body


  3. Lessen the intensity of ; temper ; hold in restraint ; hold or keep within limits .


  4. Anyhow , the nation and the society will be disastrous if corruption can not be keep within limits effectively .


  5. Via using anti-rent-seeking theory for reference , accounting anti-rent-seeking in China should proceed with system innovation , hence keep within limits accounting rent seeking behavior radically .


  6. In " the history of the most severe market regulation ", the main city of the rising trend of prices too although somewhat keep within limits , but from the public to " lower prices " is still far away .


  7. Along with the development of the Overload Disposal , the " large weight with small mark " and the serious overload phenomenon on freight vehicle in our country keep within limits , the shipping industry has developed to the benign direction .


  8. Suppressing the confession by torture is a system engineering , we expect passing by setting up the whole set of law system gradually to keep within limits and to keep away , and then eradicate the inquisition by torture completely .


  9. Conclusion The education about juvenile and youths sexual knowledge and reproductive health should be given as soon as possible in order to avoid or keep within limits the occurrence of prenuptial sexual behavior and promote adolescents to obtain the necessary rights and health .


  10. Judicial applications of the principle of proportionality develop WTO law and the principle of proportionality should exert its function in judicial review of Dispute Settlement Body of WTO , and may control trade protectionism and keep within limits for abuse of rights by WTO members .


  11. Keep within the limits of the national economic strength .


  12. However , finally we found a replacement that enabled us to keep within the limits of our budget .


  13. Reople have been making unremitting explorations on how to supervise powers effectively and keep corruptions within limits at all times and in all countries .


  14. to keep within the requisite limits a standing military force ,


  15. But tell him , also , to set his fraternal and magisterial heart at ease : that I keep strictly within the limits of the law .


  16. Investigators were trying to urgently establish why the train was going so fast and why failsafe security devices to keep speeds within permitted limits , had not worked .


  17. The government will keep expenditure within the limits of revenues , strive to achieve a fiscal balance , avoid deficits , and keep the budget commensurate with the growth rate of gdp .


  18. It 's expected to adjust the social contradiction , build the prevention and control system and improve the citizen 's prevention consciousness , react fast as well as continuously make research on the terrorism crimes to keep the crimes within limits .


  19. You 'd better keep your spending within reasonable limits .


  20. To improve the proportion of capital owned by self can keep the investment size within limits .


  21. The principal ways to keep the fanily violence within limits are the prophylaxis society and the management according to law .


  22. While many of the young men and women on the production lines want more overtime to increase their meagre wages , union officials focus on helping keep overtime levels within legal limits .
